Healing Power of Silent Walking

Apparently, there’s a whole new movement of people who enjoy doing these “silent walks.” The concept is pretty simple – you go on a walk with a group of people but you don’t talk…at all. You just walk in silence – allowing your mind and body to relax and unwind. In Lee Ann’s case, they even take off their shoes so they can connect to Mother Nature. Studies show that walking barefoot, also known as “earthing” has a number of health benefits such as reducing inflammation and improving sleep. Who knew?
Of course, if you’re like some people, you may be wondering – “why not just walk alone if you want silence?” Well, you could do that but walking by yourself is a totally different experience than walking with a group.
Walking in silence in a group provides solitude but there’s a connection between the group members even though they’re not talking. Although we’ve never really thought about it, we do take in more when we’re on a walk and not talking. We’re more likely to notice how wonderful the sun feels or how peaceful the waves sound as they crash along the rocks. The next time you’re feeling a little stressed, get a bunch of friends together and go on a “silent walk.